Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Week Three Weigh In and Goals

I am down five pounds overall and I am feeling pretty good about that. I managed to exercise six times in the past week. While I didn't meet my goal, I feel pretty good about what I accomplished. My goal for this week is to have a better weekend and be more thoughtful with my food intake, even if I find myself at Old Chicago again.

I haven't decided whether to meet the water challenge yet. I generally drink around 60 ounces and 125 seems like a lot. I will try to drink more water at home instead of my beloved diet sodas.


Karilynn said...

"TRY" is my least favorite word in the universe!!! UGH!! I just wanted to let you know that drinking the correct amount of water reduces your risk of heart disease AS MUCH as being your ideal weight. Water is AWESOME!! If 1/2 your weight is just too much... shoot for 1/3!! But make sure you go for it.

Anonymous said...

I really like Karilynn's idea of starting with 1/3 your body weight for water consumption. 125oz does seem like a lot but once you get into the habit, it will be no problem. There are so many benefits of drinking water - it reduces hunger, hydrates your body, and most importantly it helps you lose weight!
Good luck meeting your water goals and keep up the exercising!

Anonymous said...

Wow Five pounds overall so far. I am impressed. It is a good number and you need to be proud of yourself for actually working out those six times last week. Keep that in mind that you have worked hard and I know you will just keep going strong. Keep up the good work.